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memorandum book 備忘錄。

memoria technica

Underneath came a sort of escritoire outfit : blotters , pens , ink - bottles , paper , envelopes , memorandum books : and then a perfect sewing - outfit , with three different sized scissors , thimbles , needles , silks and cottons , darning egg , all of the very best quality and perfectly finished 下面是寫字臺用品:吸水紙筆墨水瓶紙信封記事薄。再下全是在女紅用具三把大小不同的剪刀針信封記事簿。再下便是女紅用具三把大小不同的剪刀針針箍絲線棉線。

She had still four or five persons to see . and she took her departure after consulting a small memorandum book 她還要去拜訪四五個人,她翻開一本小筆記本,看了看就走了。